Life is not a movie. It is not meant to merely play out in front of our eyes. I would very much like to believe that the script of our life is not already written down on a paper and thrown out somewhere, waiting for us to figure it out, otherwise, what's the point?

I do believe that we all are the writers and designers of our own life with the blessings of God. We are not meant to be spectators of our life but instead act as actors. We all have the power to paint/draw/craft our life as we wish. But the problem is, many of us live a life by default. We should be living our life by design and turn the auto-pilot mode off.
"Set a direction, and forget about the goals, focus on the process instead of the destination"
How to make this happen?
First of all, we all have the power to make a decision (disruptive one to another), to make choices by setting goals, and so on. However, the real problem with that is, people tend to pick goals which are coming from Society, relatives, teachers, religion, political leaders, Media and all those goals mainly are based on outdated beliefs, rather than pick those that truly speak to human happiness or heart. Most of the time, we set a goal that itself is a mean to an end.
The best way to set Goals by design is to focus on end goals instead and create a vision for our entire lifetime. It does not mean that everything will drastically, and automatically shift in our life but, at least, we will be able set a direction. The most important thing, in that process, is not the final destination but instead enjoying the way, being in the state of now, and taking a huge pleasure in every moment because happiness is a state of mind which can be triggered by us.
As for switching off the auto-pilot mode, we must be aware that anything happening to each of us is stored into our Mind, more precisely, into our subconscious that acts as aircraft which was driven by auto piloting system. This must sound awkward, however, it happens in reality as I have explained. The good news is we can use a powerful technique to take control over the mind through daily meditation practice. (Find more details in my post about Meditation)
Upgrade 12 Key Areas Of Your Life
Life Assessment:
Main Question is: "What human experiences do you want to live in your Life?"
In this category, you are about to set goals straight related to your experiences as human being on earth. You will redefine your beliefs and create a new vision for your Love Relationship, Friendships, Adventure, and Environment.
Main Question is: "How Do you want to evolve in order to have those experiences?" or "How Does It Take to get into a state of constantly growth?" In this category, you will be able to rewind your ideas about Growth, and set new beliefs and systems that could help to uplift your learning and growing. #1 priority in life should be your own personal growth, and you should start investing in yourself and everything else from your career to your family will naturally flourish as byproduct. You will create a vision for your Health and Fitness, Your intellectual life, Your skills, and Your Spiritual Life.
Main Question is: "How Do You want to Give it back to Humanity" We are all, in a certain way, connected as human species. How can you give back to the entire planet and evolve all together as unique species. This is the main objectives of setting goals on how we want to contribute to make a better world and planet for the future generation.In this category, you will be able to define your goals and vision for Your Career, Your Family Life, Your Creative Life, and Your Community.You will also upgrade your ideas and meanings in each area so that you could swap out bad beliefs and swap in good ones.
This is mine, you can take a look: Check out - My 3MIQs
With Love & Lights,
Paul-Cedrick Degny