We’ve formed our own opinions about the world, and the way life should be living based on various rules and ideas coming from the media, our parents, the society in which we were born. We grew up with those ideas and beliefs whose became our reality and the way we see the world around us. But what if all of those beliefs were simply outdated and limited. Well, someone one day told me two people can live in same planet and be in two different worlds literally because our understanding about the world itself is definitely different. Our world is merely the sum of our experiences, beliefs, constructs, ideas, rules we freely set. In a one word, it’s a mental construct. It is a beautiful illusion.
What if we can allow ourselves for a second to question everything around us?
You see, there is a big evolution and progress on info-technology, and bio-technology. New systems, faster processors, brand new Operating Systems, virtual reality, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and so on... All of these technologies are invented by smartest and brilliant human minds. But the point is how many times do we as human being evolve? How many times do we evolve our beliefs about Parenting, Education, Adventure, Friendships, Money, Love Relationships, Health, Learning, Skills, Entrepreneurship, Employment, Company’s Culture, Leadership, Goal Settings, Growth, Culture, Environment, Longevity...?
Watch this video below to deep dive: (Copyright by Mindvalley)
The problem is all those beliefs, that have been infused into us since our childhood, have long passed their expiration date. In fact, they have been passed from one another from authorities figures.
They were never been updated/upgraded since humanity was created. They tend to keep us to live our true potential and become the best upgraded version possible of ourselves and live at the peak of humanity potential.
So now on, let’s dream: imagine what if we could redefine them all into our own terms, imagine what life could be if we’ve upgraded every aspect of our life and expand our life experience on earth.
To better understand the Culture Scape, check out this: (Copyright by Mindvalley)
Are you really questioning Everything?
Michael Beckwith once said: "Asking questions that are empowering"
Behind every problem that we have, there is a question trying to ask itself
Behind every question, there is an answer trying to be revealed
Behind every answer, there is an action trying to be taken
Behind every action, there is a way of life trying to be born
I am very grateful for having you reading this article. I recommend you to check out the related article: "A Simple Technique to Paint Your Life into a Masterpiece"
With Love & Lights,
Paul-Cedrick Degny