As said by Neale Donald Walsch: “Your Life Is Not About You. Your Life is About Everyone else Whose Life You Touch And The Ways in Which You Touch It”
This Quote has truly been a compass that guided the way I show up to the experience of Life of others. I have embodied that quote in my lifestyle, and pay more attention in the way that I interact, share, and connect with every person that I have the chance to cross path consciously or/and unconsciously with.
“Your Life Is Not About You. Your Life is About Everyone else Whose Life You Touch And The Ways in Which You Touch It” - Neale Donald Walsch
As human beings, we are made of Energy, and surrounded by an energy bubble that creates, around each of us, an energetic magnetism. Depending on how conscious we are aware of that reality, we can literally elevate the frequency of that energy which is by nature filled with positiveness, compassion, love, kindness, inclusiveness and unity. However, many of us, have lost that nature as we grow up, and experience Life. We have been influenced by Media, Political Leaders, and Society in general that in order to survive in this world, we must merely nurture our self, our “Ego” and exclude others in the pursue of our “own” Happiness. We have completely lost “The True Purpose Of Life”, and then began to tune our positive energy, that is inclusive by nature, into negativity that is instead exclusive and separative. This is the reason, we only live for ourselves as if Life is only About US no matter what it might cost.
"Our positive energy is inclusive by nature and filled by Love, our negative energy is exclusive and separative filled by hate"
We always have the choice to decide how we want to experience Life, and there is always an alternative reality. Recently, a bunch of amazing people from 3 to 70 years old with higher level of consciousness about Humanity moved in Pula, Croatia for a month of collective transformative experience and journey that has literally touched the Life of many others such as Street Singers, Locals, Solo Travelers, Waiters, Waitresses, Restaurants’ owners and their Staffs, Taxi Drivers, Apartments’ owners, Hostels’ Staff, and so on... only by manifesting a higher level of awareness, caring about others at a deeper energy level, being curious and open, being authentic and present, creating safe spaces and showing interest, sharing Smile, sparkling Joy, being supportive, and releasing Good Vibes. I have myself witnessed the “Power Of True Magic” happening.
"The Power Of True Magic"
For instance, there was a Street Singer who wore many musical instruments on him, and playing all of them while singing at the same time. Nobody was caring about him. We came over and started to dance our ass off, and then all of the sudden, in a fraction of seconds, we were surrounded by many people having fun, and dancing on his songs. At the end, we could noticed how happier that Old man was. This is only a single story among many others. This was a SIMPLE, SMALL, TRANSFORMATIVE Action done with the intention of love, and wide open hearts that has created a MAGIC.
"Your Soul does not care about what you do for a living, and when your life is over neither will you. Your Soul cares only about what You are being while You Are Doing Whatever You Are Doing" as said once by Neale Donald Walsch
What About You? How Will You Want To Create Magic in the Life of someone else in a way which might touch hat person forever, and transform his or her own experience of Life? How Would You Like to Show Up to Life and Raise Your Vibration higher than your Little Self?
Your Life is Not About You, and Your Soul does not care about what you do for a living, and when your life is over neither will you. Your Soul agenda is to care only about what You are being while You Are Doing Whatever You Are Doing.
With Love & Lights
Paul- Cedrick Degny