Education has been invented very long time ago literally to empower people.

It began in prehistory where young people were trained by adults to learn, and acquire knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits deemed necessary in the society back then. For instance, a young folk was trained to hunt by an experienced adult hunter. This was taught orally through imitation and passed over from one generation of hunters to the next.
As human being's worldview and paradigm began to change, so the prehistorical education did as well. The bases of the current modern formal education was established during the Industrial Age. In fact, back then, due to the industrial boom, education was focused on training people to be skillful in order to work for Manufacture's companies, so that those firms could improve its productiveness and profits.
As Nelson Mandela said: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Even though, the Concept of Education from the prehistory till now was slightly adapted, it keeps the same format.The point is its foundations are still based on outdated models, rules, beliefs, and constructs. These foundations have not been updated for decade. Same applies to the end goal of Education itself.
We all live in a modern world in which technology is growing very faster than last decade. For instance, the Aircraft industry has drastically evolved due to constant innovations, technology progresses and so on, while our modern Education System remains the same. We've been taught the same way, it used to be many years ago; same practices repeated over and over.
Many curriculum, designed in our modern education, trained us to get graduated, so one day, we could have a better life, find a better job...
All those constructs around Education led many of us to the wrong direction, and stuck us back to live fully a meaningful life that we deserves, to unleash our true potentials. Our modern Education teaches us skills that no longer serves our purpose in life, our happiness. They only teach us what to be, rather than, who we meant to be, and what we want to leave to the next generation after our time on earth. We are usually asked "What we're gonna or want be in the future" only because this is set as a default program into our mind.
Even thought, the modern education has its positive aspects, it is still limited cause they barely teach us skills, knowledge deemed necessary to get only a job. That itself is limited cause It limits our potential as human being to acquire many skills as possible not only to get a career but to live a fullest life.
Education should be a long life journey for all ages, it should be an end goal not a mean to reach a goal itself. It should be teaching us Real-World Skills that will directly evolve any areas of our Life on earth. Skills on relationship, Intellectual Life, Health & Fitness, Longevity, Learning How to Learn, Parenting (How to raise kids with the right mindset), setting End Goals rather than Mean Goals, Personal growth, How to use our powerful power: Our Brain, Memory Master, Energy work, Meditation... skills that will help us to better operate on earth as Human Being.
As said Neil Gaiman: "They don't teach us how to work away from someone we don't love any longer.They don't teach us how to know what's going on in someone Else's mind.They don't teach us what to say to someone who's dying.They don't teach us anything worth knowing!"
In the early years, Education was used to empower people. This is still needed into our modern society, and Education can play a big role in achieving this.
We don't have to update the modern education, we should instead reinvent Education for teaching skills for Life, and breakthrough outdated existing models, rules, and beliefs by creating a new vision for Modern Education. We have to redefine the nature of what we should learn.
For deep diving into an example of an Humanity + company working hard to reinvent Education for all age, watch this short video filmed by Mindvalley:
With Love & Lights,
Paul-Cedrick Degny